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Faculty Profile
Richard Smardon

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Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus

Department of Environmental Studies
211B Marshall Hall

Current Publishing Activity

Associate Editor for the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

Book editor for the Landscape Journal

Editorial Board for the Journals of Land   Water and Sustainability  published by MDPI

Editorial Board for Journal of Socio-Ecological Research


Special Issue editor for five LAND journal special issues:







  • Ph.D.,环境规划,加州大学伯克利分校,1982年
  • M.L.A., Landscape Architecture, University of Massachusetts, 1973
  • B.S., Environmental Design, cum laude, University of Massachusetts, 1970

Research Interests

  • Wetland assessment and management
  • Landscape management policy
  • Public participation and decision-making
  • 可持续发展,生态旅游,生物圈保护区管理
  • Energy sustainability planning and implementation
  • landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Selected Publications

Smardon, R.C. (ed.) 2022. Celebrating 25 Years of World Wetlands Day. MDPI Basil Switzerland

Smardon, R.C. (ed.) 2021. 第六届Fábos景观与绿道规划会议论文集. MDPI Basil Switzerland.

Smardon R.C. 2021. 景观质量景观管理中的生态系统服务研究综述. Land 10:1123

Hoffman R. and Smardon R. (eds.)2019. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference: Seeking 20/20 Vision for Landscape Futures 1[online]

Focht, W; M. A. Reiter, P.A. Barresi, and R. C. Smardon (eds). 2019. 可持续的人类和环境系统教育:从理论到实践. CRC/Routledge/Taylor and Francis London and New York, 268 pp. co-wrote or wrote 9 of 16 chapters

Gobster P. H. and Smardon R.C. (eds.) 2018. 视觉资源管理会议论文集:变化时代的景观与海景管理. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-183, Newton Square PA [online]

Smardon, R.C., S. Moran and A. K. Baptiste. 2018. 振兴城市水道:环境正义之流. Earthscan/Routledge/Taylor and Francis, London & New York. Wrote 7 of 11 chapters.

Apostol, D.; J. Palmer, M. Pasqualetti, R. Smardon & R. Sullivan (eds.). 2017. 可再生能源景观:在我们可持续的未来中保护风景价值. Routledge/Taylor and Francis, London, and New York 286pp. Co-wrote 6 of 11 chapters.

Smardon, R.C. 2016. 视觉影响评估:我们从何而来,往何而去? Journal of Environmental Protection***.2016*****

Baptiste, A., C. Foley and R. Smardon. 2015. 城市社区实施绿色基础设施措施意愿的差异:以锡拉丘兹为例, NY. Landscape and Urban Planning 136: 1-12, DOI 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.11.012.

Barresi, P.; W. Focht, M. Reiter, R.C. Smardon, M. Humphreys, S. Holms and K. Reiter. 2014 -揭示可持续发展教育的复杂性:环境与可持续发展圆桌会议工作的最新进展. In W.L. Filho (ed.), 将可持续发展思想融入理工科课程 World Sustainability Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09474-8_35.

Owusuh-Ansuh, F. and R.C. Smardon. 2015. Mining and agriculture in Ghana; a contested terrain. 国际环境与可持续发展杂志 14(4): 371- 397.

Tao, W.; J.S. Bays, D. Meyer, R.C. Smardon and Z.F. Levy. 2014. 美国人工湿地处理合流污水:设计挑战和应用现状综述. Water 6:3362-3385, DOI 10:3390/w6113362.

Levy, Z.; R.C. Smardon, J. S. Bays, and D. Meyer. 2014. 一个不同颜色的点源:识别美国使用人工湿地进行“绿色”CSO处理的监管政策差距. Sustainability 2014 6: 2392-2412.

Ma, B.; G. Song, R.C. Smardon, and J. Chen. 2014. Diffusion of solar water heaters in regional China; Economic feasibility and policy effectiveness evaluation. Energy Policy  (2014),

Ramsden C.; R. C. Smardon, and G. Michel. 2014. 碳足迹的市政合作:锡拉丘兹,纽约案例研究. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 5(2): 224-254.

Smardon, R.C. 2014. Book Review; Wetland Ecology Principles and Conservation, Second Edition. Water 2014 6:813-817.

Barresi, P.; W. Focht, M. Reiter, R.C. Smardon, M. Humphreys, S. Holms and K. Reiter. 2014 -揭示可持续发展教育的复杂性:环境与可持续发展圆桌会议工作的最新进展. In W.L. Filho (ed.), World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, Manchester UK 3-5 September 2014.

Baptiste, A. and R.C. Smardon. 2012. 特立尼达纳里瓦沼泽湿地利用与管理综述. Caribbean Geography 17(1&2): 57-72.

Barnhill K. and R.C. Smardon. 2012.  取得进展:锡拉丘兹利益相关者对绿色基础设施的态度和看法, New York. Environmental Practice 14(1): 6-16 (Special issue on Green Infrastructure).

Masquita, M and R.C. Smardon. 2012. 加勒比群岛哥伦比亚省小型农用工业作为可持续生计战略的潜力, Journal of Sustainable Development 5(3): 16-32.

Moghariya, D. and R. Smardon. 2012. Rural perspectives of climate change; A study from Saurastra and Kutch of Western India, Public Understanding of Science at DOI: 10.1177/0963662512465698.

Pasi, N. and R.C. Smardon. 2012. 河流互联:印度水危机的解决方案还是一个有疑问的决定? The Journal of Science Policy and Governance 2 (1): 1-41.

Wu, Guihan and R.C. Smardon. 2012. 用碱度作为示踪剂估算合流下水道溢流污水的比例)", Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 1(2012): 727-731.

Johnson, L. L. and R.C. Smardon. 2011. 湿地修复最佳管理实践个案研究. Wetlands; Journal of the Society of Wetlands Scientists 31:921-931.

Park, Seoyhun and R.C. Smardon. 2011. Worldview and social amplification of risk framework; dioxin risk case in Korea. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences 6(2): 173-191.

Smardon, R.C. 2011. 为本科生环境研究/环境科学项目的内部/外部审查制定国家框架, Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 12(3): 244-257.Darkwa, S., and R.C. Smardon. 2010. "Ecosystem restoration; evaluating local knowledge and management systems in Fosu Lagoon, Ghana," Environmental Practice 12(3):202-213.

Smardon, R.C. 2009. "Urban Recreation Park Sustainability in an Asian Context," International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences 4(2):193-202.

Park, S., and R.C. Smardon. 2009. “韩国价值观和二恶英风险认知的代际差异”, 环境质量管理:国际期刊 20(5): 522-537.

Smardon, R.C. 2009. 维持世界湿地:制定政策和解决冲突. NY: Springer-Verlag.

Menezes, A., R.C. Smardon, and T. de Almeida. 2009. “莫桑比克渔业社区地方机构不断变化的动态:对政策的反应, Public Participation, and Decisionmaking," Environmental Practice 11(1):32-51.

Smardon, R.C. 2008. “北美、欧洲和印度城市地方《网赌平台》执行情况的比较” Management of Environmental Quality 19(1):118-137.

Smardon, R.C., and B.B. Faust, eds. 2006. 特刊“墨西哥尤卡坦半岛生物圈保护区的国际政策”, Landscape and Urban Planning 74.

Smardon, R.C., and B.B. Faust. 2006. 导言:墨西哥尤卡坦半岛生物圈保护区的国际政策 Landscape and Urban Planning 74:160-192.

Smardon, R.C. 2006. “墨西哥南部湿地的遗产价值和功能,” Landscape and Urban Planning 74:296-312.

Loftus, K.K., R.C. Smardon, and B.A. Potter. 2004. “五大湖沿海湿地管理和保护策略”, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 7(2):305-330.

Smardon, R.C. 2003. “非政府组织在维持湿地遗产价值中的作用”." Pp. 795-815 in Regards Croisés sur le Patrimoine à l’aube du XXIe Siècle [21世纪初对遗产的不同看法],编. M. Gravari-Barbas. Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne, Paris.

Faust, B.B., and R.C. Smardon, eds. 2001. 特刊,“环境知识、权利与伦理:与社区共同管理”, Environmental Science & Policy 4 (4/5).

Nordenstam, B.J., and R.C. Smardon, eds. 1998. 特刊,“阿迪朗达克及其他地区:了解空气质量和生态系统关系”, Environmental Science & Policy 1(3).


  • no current courses but past courses include:
  • EST 426, Community Planning and Sustainability
  • EST 427/ 627, Environmental and Energy Auditing
  • EST 625, Wetland Management Policy (Fall, odd years)
  • EST 635, Public Participation and Decision-Making (Spring)
  • EST 797, Environmental Studies Seminar (Spring)

Graduate Student Advising

自1980年至2016年我在博彩平台esf工作以来,我指导了大约128名研究生,其中大约75名获得了部分资助. I have sponsored nine visiting scholars - three from the Polytechnic City University of Madrid; one from the Polytechnic in Greece; one from Mumbai, India; and three from CINVESTAV, Merida, Mexico, and one from China all through the Randolph G. Pack Environmental Institute.

Professional Associations

  • National Association of Environmental Professionals, Education Research and Science Working Group, Chair (2007- 2012)
  • Certfied Environmental Professional (national)
  • Society of Wetland Scientists
  • New York State Wetland Forum (founding member)

Public and Community Service

  • 纽约州大湖盆地咨询委员会主席(任命)
  • Central New York Land Trust, President and Board of Directors