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Faculty Profile
Robin Kimmerer

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Robin  Kimmerer


Department of Environmental Biology
351 Illick Hall


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Biographical Sketch

 Dr. Kimmerer is a mother, plant ecologist, writer and SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor at the 博彩平台环境科学与林业学院 in Syracuse, New York. She serves as the founding Director of the 土著居民与环境中心 whose mission is to create programs which draw on the wisdom of both indigenous and scientific knowledge for our shared goals of sustainability. Her research interests include the role of traditional ecological knowledge in ecological restoration and the ecology of mosses. In collaboration with tribal partners, she and her students have an active research program in the ecology and restoration of plants of cultural significance to Native people. 她积极努力扩大土著学生接受环境科学教育的机会, and to create new models for integration of indigenous philosophy and scientific tools on behalf of land and culture. She is engaged in programs which introduce the benefits of traditional ecological knowledge to the scientific community, 以尊重和保护土著知识的方式.

Dr. Kimmerer has taught courses in botany, ecology, ethnobotany, indigenous environmental issues as well as a seminar in application of traditional ecological knowledge to conservation. She is the co-founder and past president of the Traditional Ecological Knowledge section of the Ecological Society of America.  Dr. 基默尔是自然与人类中心的高级研究员. 罗宾是欧洲和阿尼什纳布族的后裔,是公民波塔瓦托米国家的注册成员.

As a writer and a scientist, 她对恢复的兴趣不仅包括生态群落的恢复, 而是恢复我们与土地的关系. Dr. Kimmerer is the author of numerous scientific papers on the ecology of mosses and restoration ecology and on the contributions of traditional ecological knowledge to our understanding of the natural world. 她还活跃于文学生物学. 她的文章发表在《博彩平台#########关于》、《博彩平台》、《网赌平台》和几本选集上. She is the author of “Gathering Moss” which incorporates both traditional indigenous knowledge and scientific perspectives and was awarded the prestigious John Burroughs Medal for Nature Writing in 2005. 她的最新著作《网赌平台》, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants” was released in 2013 and was awarded the Sigurd Olson Nature Writing Award. 她曾在安德鲁斯实验森林担任常驻作家, Blue Mountain Center, the Sitka Center and the Mesa Refuge. 

She holds a BS in Botany from SUNY 网赌平台, an MS and PhD in Botany from the University of Wisconsin and is the author of numerous scientific papers on plant ecology, bryophyte ecology, 传统知识与恢复生态. As a writer and a scientist, 她对恢复的兴趣不仅包括生态群落的恢复, 而是恢复我们与土地的关系. 她住在纽约州北部的一个老农场里,照料着栽培和野生的花园.

Links to Video, Speeches,Programs


  • EFB 446/646 Ecology of Mosses (3 credit hours). 两个小时的讲座和一个三个小时的实验或实地考察. 苔藓植物的分类多样性、生态适应性及其在生态系统中的作用研究.
  • EFB 305/605土著问题和环境  (3 credit hours). This integrative course examines the management of natural resources and environmental problem- solving from a Native American perspective. The goal of the course is to provide students with a basis for comparing Native and Western cultural patterns of natural resource utilization. 在土著土地上使用自然资源是在文化和历史背景下考虑的. 本课程将首先向学生介绍有关美洲原住民历史的基本概念, religions, 政治组织和传统经济. Tribal sovereignty, as well as Federal Indian Law are described as the framework in which tribes make decisions about environmental issues. 考察了本土环境知识和西方科学知识的不同观点. 案例研究用于分析本地资源管理策略, 在更大的美国社会背景下. 案例研究将包括奥吉布瓦捕鱼权争议, 梅诺米尼森林经营理念与实践, ecological restoration initiatives, 传统生存模式中的环境毒素, 在土著土地和其他地方进行能源开发. The course is designed to introduce students to the unique cultural context of natural resource management on Indian lands and provides an opportunity for students to integrate in-depth scientific knowledge, 资源管理政策和跨文化视角. 为本科生开设的生物学实验、跨学科或特殊课程. 
  • EFB 337  Field Ethnobotany (3 credit hour). A field-based introduction to the identification and traditional cultural uses of plants in the Adirondack region for food, medicine and fiber. Topics include plant identification, 传统生态知识及生态学和民族植物学方法的运用. 满足环境与森林生物学选修课的野外研究要求. 适合高年级和低年级本科生. 每天两小时的讲座,八小时的实地考察和讨论,持续两周. Summer; Cranberry Lake Biological Station.
  • EFB 496 Plants and Culture The goal of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to explore the interactions between plants and people, 在物质文化和非物质文化方面. 这门大二水平的调查课程涉及包括植物学在内的多个学科, ecology, genetics, evolution, anthropology, chemistry, religion, 以历史和经济学来考察经济的广度, 与植物的社会文化和生态相互作用. Students will be introduced to basic botany and ethnobotany through a survey of plants which are used in both traditional and contemporary cultures. 从一系列生物群系和民族中抽取了例子, 主要关注五大湖原住民文化的基石物种植物. We will examine topics from traditional aboriginal subsistence patterns to issues of plant biotechnology to highlight diverse ecological and cultural patterns. The course is intended as a broad survey of ethnobotanical topics appropriate for sophomore level students who have completed general biology or equivalent.

Research Interests

  • Ecology of mosses;
  • 在美洲原住民社区恢复具有文化意义的植物;
  • 与美洲原住民社区建立环境伙伴关系;
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge;
  • Disturbance ecology;
  • 俄勒冈州商业苔藓收获后附生群落的恢复

Projects and Programs

  • 土著居民与环境中心创始主任
  • Director, 土著地球环境青年营与豪德诺休尼环境工作队合作
  • Co-PI: Helping Forests Walk:Building resilience for climate change adaptation through forest stewardship in Haudenosaunee communities, 与豪德诺索尼环境工作组合作
  • Co-PI: Learning from the Land: cross-cultural forest stewardship education for climate change adaptation in the northern forest, 与米诺米尼民族学院合作
  • 主管:美国农业部多元文化学者项目:未来的土著环境领袖
  • Steering Committee, NSF研究协调网络第一:促进本土研究, Science and Technology
  • 项目主管:奥内达加湖恢复:种植植物, 与奥内达加湖流域的土著青年一起增长知识
  • 课程开发:传统生态知识课程在普通生态学课程中的开发
  • 美国生态学会传统生态知识分会前任主席



Kimmerer, R.W. 2003. 收集苔藓:苔藓的自然和文化历史. Oregon State University Press. 2005年约翰·巴勒斯奖得主

Kimmerer,R.W. 2013. 编结甜草编:本土智慧、科学知识和植物教义. Milkweed Editions October 2013.

Invited Book Chapters

Kimmerer, R.W, 2015年(回顾)《博彩平台》, restoring reciprocity with the good green earth in "Keepers of the Green World: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Sustainability," for Cambridge University Press. M.K. Nelson, D.B. Schilling, eds.

Kimmerer, RW 2013 The Fortress, the River and the Garden: a new metaphor for cultivating mutualistic relationship between scientific and traditional ecological knowledge. in, “当代环境与本土教学法研究” (Sense出版社),由凯利·杨和丹·朗博特编辑.

Kimmerer, R. W. 2011 “Restoration and Reciprocity: The Contributions of Traditional Ecological Knowledge to the Philosophy and Practice of Ecological Restoration.摘自大卫·伊根编辑的《博彩平台》一书. Island Press.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2013 The Fortress, the River and the Garden: a new metaphor for cultivating mutualistic relationship between scientific and traditional ecological knowledge.

Scientific Articles

Kimmerer, R.W. 2012 Searching for Synergy: integrating traditional and scientific ecological knowledge in environmental science education. 环境科学学报2(4):317-323

Robinson, S., Raynal, D.J. and R.W. Kimmerer 2010. 阿迪朗达克高寒地区23年植被组成及其变化的评估, New York State. Rhodora 112: 43-51.

Muir, P.S., T.R. Rambo, R.W. Kimmerer, D.B. Keon. 2006俄勒冈西部植被砍伐对附生苔藓和地衣生长的影响. Ecological Applications Vol. 16 (3):1207-1221.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2005苔藓植物群落结构的分布限制. The Bryologist 108(3):391-401.

Shebitz ,D.J. and R.W. Kimmerer 2005. 重建莫霍克社区的根基,恢复具有重要文化意义的植物. Restoration Ecology 13(2):256-263

McGee, G.G. and Kimmerer, R.W. 2004 Environmental variation with maturing Acer saccharum bark does not influence epiphytic bryophyte growth in Adirondack northern hardwood forests: evidence from transplants. The Bryologist 107:302-311

Shebitz, D.J. and Kimmerer, R.W. 2004甜草种群趋势及生境特征, Hierochloe odorata:传统与科学生态知识的融合 . Journal of Ethnobiology. 24 (1):345-352

Kimmerer, R.W. 2002. 将传统生态知识融入生物教育:行动呼吁. BioScience 52:432-438.

McGee, G.G. and Kimmerer, R.W. 2002. 林龄和管理对阿迪朗达克北部阔叶林附生苔藓群落的影响. NY, USA. 中国林业科学学报32 (2):1562-1576.

DeLach, A.B. and R.W. Kimmerer 2002. 苔藓植物对阿迪朗达克山铁矿尾矿植被建立的促进作用 . The Bryologist 105:249-255.

Balunas,M.J. and Kimmerer R.W. 2002易洛魁族药用植物金线的恢复潜力. Ecological Restoration 20:59-60.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2003. The role of dispersal limitation in bryophyte communities colonizing treefall mounds in northern hardwood forests. Submitted to The Bryologist

Kimmerer, R.W. and F.K. Lake 2001. 维护马赛克:土著燃烧在土地管理中的作用. Journal of Forestry 99: 36-41.

Faust, B., C. Kyrou, K. Ettenger, A. Drew, R. Kimmerer, N. Richards, B. Nordenstam, J. Ransom and R. Smardon 2001. Human ecology Literacy: The role of traditional indigenous and scientific knowledge in community environmental work. Occasional Paper No. 16. Randolph G. Pack Environmental Institute. 博彩平台环境科学与林业学院.

Kimmerer, R.W. and M.J.L. Driscoll 2001. 岛屿卵石生境苔藓物种丰富度:面积的影响, isolation and microsite diversity. The Bryologist 103(4):748-756

Kimmerer, R. W. 2000. 本土生态系统的本土知识. Journal of Forestry. 98(8):4-9

Kimmerer, R.W. 1998. 智力多样性:将本土视角引入自然资源教育. Winds of Change. Summer. 14-18.

Kimmerer, R.W. and C.C. Young(1996)林隙大小和更新生态位对苔藓植物群落物种共存的影响. 托里植物俱乐部公报123:16-24.

Kimmerer, R.W. and C.C. 杨(1995):鼻涕虫在鞭毛蕨无性繁殖体传播中的作用. The Bryologist 98:149-153.

Kimmerer, R.W. (1994)性行为对生态的影响. 鞭毛蕨的无性生殖. The Bryologist 97:20-25.

Kimmerer, R.W. 1993. 透明四足鼠的干扰与优势:干扰频率与繁殖模式的模型. The Bryologist 96(1)73-79.

Kimmerer, R.W. (1991)《博彩平台》. The Bryologist 94(3):284-288.

Kimmerer, R.W. (1991)透明四蚤的繁殖生态学:种群密度和繁殖方式. The Bryologist 94(3):255-260.

Kimmerer, R.W. (1989)废弃铅锌矿植被空间格局的环境决定因素. American Midland Naturalist. 121:134-143.

Kimmerer, R.W. (1984)威斯康辛州西南部一系列废弃铅锌矿的植被发育. American Midland Naturalist. 111:332-341.

Kimmerer, R.W. (1982)美国威斯康辛州西南部废弃铅锌矿区系的定量分析. The Michigan Botanist. 21:185-193.

Kimmerer, R.W. and T.F.H. Allen(1982)干扰在河岸苔藓植物群落格局中的作用. American Midland Naturalist 107:37

Kimmerer, R.W. (1981)废弃铅锌矿自然恢复. 修复与管理笔记,1:20.

Literary Publications

Kimmerer,R.W. 2104《网赌平台》,载于《网赌平台》卷.8. No.1. Center for Humans and Nature

Kimmerer, R.W, 2014. “我是否对身边不可思议的事物给予了足够的关注??《网赌平台》2014年被奥普拉杂志特邀发表

Kimmerer, R.W. 2013土地是老师的地方阿迪朗达克生活卷. XLIV no 4 p. 36–41

Kimmerer, R.W. 2013年:生存:植物如何在阿迪朗达克冬季生存 . Adirondack Life Vol. XLIV no 8 p. 18–22

Kimmerer, R. W. 2013 “What does the Earth Ask of Us?人类与自然中心,弹性未来的问题.反应- 80.php

Kimmerer, R.W. 2012年《网赌平台》杂志. Summer 2012

Kimmerer, R.W. 2011. “ World in Miniature” . Adirondack Life. Annual Guide. P 43

Kimmerer, R.W. 2011年《博彩平台》《网赌平台》T.P. Fleischner, Trinity University Press

Kimmerer, R.W. 2011. 《网赌平台》、《博彩平台》中的“学习动物的语法”. Edited by L. Savoy, A. Deming. Milkweed Editions.

Kimmerer, R. W. 2010 “ The Giveaway” in “Moral Ground: ethical action for a planet in peril” edited by Kathleen Moore and Michael Nelson. Trinity University Press.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2008 . “The Rights of the Land”. Orion. November/December 59-63.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2008. “North Country for Old Men”. Adirondack Life. Vol. 39:4 pp.50-56.

Kimmerer, R. W. 2008. 《网赌平台》中的《网赌平台》由K.Moore, C. 古德里奇,俄勒冈州立大学出版社.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2008. 内华达大学出版社Paul Bogard编辑的《博彩平台》中的“夜幕降临”.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2007年"神圣与超级基金"石舟. Syracuse University. Volume 1 pp 1-17.

Kimmerer, R.W. 2005 “Offerings” Whole Terrain. 14:28-31

Kimmerer, R.W. 2005“给予之树”阿迪朗达克生活11 / 12月. Vol. 36:4 p 1017-1021

Kimmerer, R.W. 2004年“流域访谈”LTER森林原木. Spring Creek Project

Kimmerer, R.W. 2004年“听水”LTER森林原木. Spring Creek Project

Former Graduate Students

2001甜草种群趋势及生态需要量, Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv.:传统生态知识与科学生态知识的融合

Dave Kubek 2000 The effect of disturbance history on regeneration of northern hardwood forests following the 1995 blowdown.

Tom Touchet, 论文题目:黑灰(黑蜡)再生要求, 易洛魁人编织的主要植物.

Marcy Balunas, 论文题目:黄连生态修复, 易洛魁人药典中具有重要文化意义的植物.

Aimee Delach,论文题目:苔藓植物在废弃尾矿恢复中的作用.

Mauricio Velasquez, 论文题目:火灾对Antisana paramo地区植物生物多样性的影响, Ecuador.

Amy Samuels, 论文题目:鼠李对肖蒙特荒滩原生植物群落的影响

Current Graduate Advisees

Kaya DeerInWaterKaya DeerInWater

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Kimmerer
  • Area of Study: EFB Conservation Biology

Dineh JuddDineh Judd

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Kimmerer and Mcgee
  • Area of Study: ESC耦合的自然和人类系统

Tusha YakovlevaTusha Yakovleva

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Kimmerer
  • Area of Study: Environmental Science

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